Welcome to the LEKFIT JOURNEY share! We love to hear your stories and we are honored by those who share their love, passion and transformation. We invite you to explore and enjoy the tales from our gorgeous community.

- What are your 2021 resolutions?
- I'm not a big resolution person but my intentions are to work hard to see growth in my business, continue to build a healthy relationship with my body and enjoy the moments of joy.
- What does community mean to you?
- Community is the element that reminds you you're not alone. It's a place you can lean into when you need support and in turn can be leaned into when support is needed.
- Who inspires you?
- I'm inspired by women. women who continue to show up and support one another even when they are struggling. women who show up for themselves every day and keep going even when it's hard.

- What are your 2021 resolutions?
- My 2021 resolutions are to look for the good, give back to my community, and continue to prioritize self care.
- What does community mean to you?
- Community means everything to me! It sounds cheesy, but if there's one thing l've learned this past year it's how important the people in our lives are. I'm so grateful to have a strong community of people around me to keep me motivated, even on my lowest days.
- Who inspires you?
- I am inspired by so many people - my partner, my family, my friends, other people in the LEKFIT community, activists, health care workers, teachers, small businesses making it work in this crazy world...basically everyone making it work in these crazy times we're living in.

- What are your 2021 resolutions?
- To get married! We postponed our wedding due to COVID19, so this summer it. is. ON! In other areas, my resolutions are to help at least 15 families get into the home of their dreams here in Southern California, and to start working on a few remodeling projects.
- What does community mean to you?
- A sense of belonging... when you find a group of people that you admire, feel seen by, and aren't judged. that's the stuff.
- Who inspires you?
- Pretty much every female I know that has survived 2020... I see you working on your health, raising your kids at home, working via Zoom and just knowing that we're all doing our damn best to hold it together is pretty inspiring.

- What are your 2021 resolutions?
- No resolution is my new resolution! last year was a rough one so I think just making it through this pandemic is enough for me at the moment.
- What does community mean to you?
- Community is everything to me. It means people supporting people! caring about each other and doing whatever we can to lift others up.
- Who inspires you?
- Truly anyone who has overcome adversity and manages to still have love in their heart and is able to empathize with others and most importantly help others.

- What are your 2021 resolutions?
- My resolution is to keep exercising, the health benefits I have had since starting LEKFIT are life changing, grateful for everyday and for what my mind and body can achieve now.
- What does community mean to you?
- The LEKFIT community is a diverse group of people with a wealth of love for the BOOST and sweat theory, plants, DIY, recipes, family and activism. you'll find it all here.. including your THUTT.
- Who inspires you?
- I'm inspired by a few LEKFIT community babes, but mostly Alex every time on our streaming sessions, he keeps pushing with endless positivity, even through hard days.

- How long have you been an LEKFIT member?
- I have been a member since September 2020.
- What does community mean to you?
- The LEKFIT community is an incredibly supportive group of people. FEELING your best (mentally and physically) is always the emphasis over looking your best, which I really appreciate. people from all over the world cheer each other on, led by the incredible Lauren and her amazing team.
- Who is someone that inspires you?
- Over the past crazy year, I have been most inspired by my children. they were not supposed to have to deal with all of these challenges and they have looked on the bright side of everything.
- What's a goal of yours?
- One of my goals is to learn to manage anxiety better. I'm a natural worrier and 2020 and 2021 have really tested me, even though my challenges have been more manageable than so many others. Regular exercise is a huge part of that task for me, and I'm so glad to have LEKFIT to help.

- What are your 2021 resolutions?
- Quit procrastinating, continue daily wellness and movement, try waking up an hour earlier for 'me time', be organized, start reading more, learn to bake bread, stop overthinking and have more patience.
- What does community mean to you?
- Community to me, is aggressively supporting each other. In the good, the bad, and the ugly. real, true investment in others.
- Who inspires you?
- I am inspired by women who are true to themselves, who work hard to be supportive of other women, step outside of their comfort zone in anyway, and give themselves permission to do big things, whatever that may mean to them.

- How long have you been working out with LEKFIT?
- I have been doing Lekfit since November 2019! I did it for a few months in the pop-up studio, and then streamed it for 2 years, and then have been back in the studio doing it for about a year 5-6 times a week!
- What changes have you seen in your body + mind since you began working out with us?
- Overall I just feel so much stronger. Every week has new challenges, but I feel with my consistence to LEKFIT, my body accepts and loves the challenge. For me it is an hour a day, I completely unplug and do something entirely for myself. I always leave feeling energized and happy. My mind needs it as much as my body. I truly look forward to it!
- What is your favorite thing about your LEKFIT workout?
- It is always changing, so I never get bored, and honestly I find it to be so much fun! I am smiling inside the whole time. I get into the moves and the rhythms every week, and I find it is a great mental escape. I look forward to every Monday to find out what the challenges are going to be that week, and I get excited by the end of the week, when I finally feel like I’ve mastered some of them.
- What is your favorite thing about the LEKFIT community?
- Everyone is friendly and it’s not an intimidating place to work out. Also, the energy of the class makes it feel like you are all in it together, and makes the class speed by.

- How long have you been working out with LEKFIT?
- I started streaming as soon as LEK introduced the streaming service in 2018!
- What changes have you seen in your body + mind since you began working out with us?
- I noticed just how strong I am! Specifically during my pregnancy, as I continued to follow each weeks sets, I felt like my strength had the purpose of preparing my body for a repeat C-Section’s recovery as well as staying strong and healthy for my littlest love growing inside of me! Postpartum, I noticed that I didn’t have issues with lifting myself or my newborn up (C-section mamas know that feeling post op) and everything seemed to come back together so much more quickly because of the strength I maintained by continuing my LEKFIT workouts my entire pregnancy!
- What is your favorite thing about your LEKFIT workout?
- My favorite thing is that although the workouts are all difficult (and I do sometimes curse your names for the burnout) they are so incredibly fun! The playlists always match the energy of the movements, and the cardio is so fun that I look forward to the daily drops!
- What is your favorite thing about the LEKFIT community?
- The community that Lauren has cultivated is one that is so empowering! There is so much support that I feel in hearing other women’s testimonials and seeing highlights of everyone’s sweaty selfies and workouts! It’s a beautiful thing to have a community around women supporting and celebrating each other through each individual’s fitness journeys.
- What advice would you give someone just starting with us?
- The main piece of advice I would give would be don’t try to be perfect from the beginning! You don’t need to be a dancer, or be in “elite” physical shape to get started. You will figure out how to do an 8 count in your head, you will learn to tune into your body to feel the movement where it should be working, and you may feel a little bit like an awkward duckling through the dancey bits (I know I certainly still do from time to time) but you are crushing it, and you will feel more and more graceful the more you practice through each week’s videos/classes!Little extra bit of praise…..The LEKFIT method is the only workout that I have ever stuck to in my entire adult life. I had previously started something that felt right or was trendy, but eventually there was always an excuse to take a day off, which turned to days off, to weeks off to no longer following.LEKFIT’s methodology makes it impossible to want to quit. There is so much variety, and for an intense personality, like myself, all the cardio allows me to release any negative energy that may have built up during the day and surrender to the routine.All of the physical benefits and results I have experienced over the years aside, the boost that this program has given my mental image of myself is something I will be forever grateful for. I actually love my body for every wrinkle, every stretch mark and every curve because it all is a piece of my journey. Lauren, and all of her instructor’s have helped build up that self love and acceptance through their encouraging words and insane positivity. They will all kick your butt through a workout, but man does it feel like an accomplishment everyday to do something purely for ME. I will forever be grateful for LEKFIT 🖤

- How long have you been working out with LEKFIT?
- I have been doing this workout since January. I shoot for all seven workouts each week and have only missed one or two the entire time. They are too good to miss❤️.
- What changes have you seen in your body + mind since you began working out with us?
- I have worked out very consistently for years, but I have been pleased that this program has helped me lean out a little, find definition that I had lost (without adding bulk) and the workouts leave me truly energized for the day ahead.
- What is your favorite thing about your LEKFIT workout?
- All of it! As someone who is really committed to working out, I love that every single day as a challenge. I love that the program has a plan, and you simply login each day and move forward with the prescription. Every muscle is worked, and every single day my heart heart rate gets up. So, with that, it’s EVERYTHING! The fast paced cardio. The rebounder. The variety. The equipment. The daily drop, so every single day is different! All of it!
- What is your favorite thing about the LEKFIT community?
- I love that the Facebook group is there for support, that LEKFIT engages with us and it feels like a community.
- What advice would you give someone just starting with us?
- Do it! Truly, this program can be modified for many levels, they’ve got workouts for when you travel, for when you are short on time or even when you have extra time and want a little more. I cannot recommend LEKFIT enough.

- What are your 2021 resolutions?
- I want to continue to improve my mind and body by eating healthy and keeping up with my workouts. I also want to continue to work on being a better teacher for myself and my students.
- What does community mean to you?
- Community is so important, to surround yourself with people that help build you up and keep you motivated is everything.
- Who inspires you?
- My mother has always inspired me to work hard especially in my career as a teacher, and to stay fit and healthy. Busy Philipps also inspired me to join LEKFIT from her instagram stories.

- Message for the LEKFIT community?
- Even on the days when you think you can't I am here to tell you that you most definitely can. the days where we need to push ourselves just a little bit harder are the most rewarding.
- Who or what are you most thankful for?
- I am most thankful for my husband and son who consistently push me to feel confident and beautiful. they always see the good when I am struggling too!
- How do you give back to yourself?
- Give back by reminding myself to allow grace and not be so hard on myself so often. this also involves long baths with music, my LEKFIT and yoga sessions, dark chocolate, monthly facials, baking, and late night romcom sessions with a glass of wine in hand.

- Message for the LEKFIT community?
- Ladies - you are all WARRIORS. seeing you all sweat it out on IG stories and in the LEKFIT FB group GIVES ME LIFE! I love hearing everyone's wins, relating to your struggles, and I've even made LEKFIT friends around the world.
- Who or what are you most thankful for?
- I'm most thankful for the people around me who lift me up, advocate for me, and show me what love looks like. the shutdown has allowed me to really strengthen and nourish relationships that matter to me and it's a huge silver lining of this tough year.
- How do you give back to yourself?
- I give back to myself by being kind to my mind and body and giving it what it craves. If it's a sweat sesh, I prioritize it in my day. If I'm feeling anxious, I do a little Headspace meditation and use tactics I learned in therapy. If it's a big bowl of pasta and a glass of wine, I'll honor that too ;)

- Message for the LEKFIT community?
- Thank you all for your support and kindness! In a year where we've been isolated and cut off from connections, I am so thrilled to have met so many awesome babes!
- Who or what are you most thankful for?
- My husband and my best gal pals. they've all been my biggest cheerleaders and support systems throughout this wacky year. I couldn't have done it without them.
- How do you give back to yourself?
- By carving out an hour each morning for LEKFIT. when I've been asked how I stay so consistent working out, it's because it's the one hour a day that I get to dedicate solely to myself and it's literally the one thing I can control in a year that has felt so out of control.

- Message for the LEKFIT community?
- Always listen to Lauren! when she says breathe, relax A that face, breathe, get out of that back, strong core...
- Who or what are you most thankful for?
- Thankful for the people in my life that make me smile, support me and bring me joy.
- How do you give back to yourself?
- Learning to say no and not feeling quilty about it.. harder to do than vou think.

- Message for the LEKFIT community?
- I love y'all! It's incredibly easy to become overwhelmed at this point in time, but allowing yourself the space to tune out the world and tune into your body makes every day more manageable.
- Who or what are you most thankful for?
- I am most thankful for my husband. his daily support and encouragement makes me feel indomitable!
- How do you give back to yourself?
- Whether it be dancing to get my endorphins flowing or whipping out some watercolors, I always feel revitalized after indulging my creativity.

- Message for the LEKFIT community?
- I'm grateful to this community for the support and inspiration we provide to one another - it has been an important factor in me staying motivated and committed to my LEKFIT routine.
- Who or what are you most thankful for?
- I'm most thankful for my husband and daughter. my husband is my rock who loves me unconditionally, and he is always doing things to help make my life a little bit easier. and my daughter constantly reminds me of all the good there is in this world, and she teaches me to savor the sweet moments.
- How do you give back to yourself?
- I take care of my health by doing BOOST 5x a week and following a healthy-gut based diet, and I unwind (and reward myself) with a glass (or two) of Good Clean Wine Rose, a juicy chick-flick book, and the occasional Susiecakes cupcake on the weekends.

- Message for the LEKFIT community?
- Claim the time to take care of yourself! It's there, it's yours, and you deserve it. so enjoy your body and the movement you are capable of.
- Who or what are you most thankful for?
- I'm thankful for the people in my life who are creative and kind, and finding ways to find some peace. also, for the wonderful women in the LEKFIT community. It is so motivating to know we are all out there doing our best. thank you for letting me be a part of your day.
- How do you give back to yourself?
- I give myself that time to sweat. In return I see defined shoulders & biceps, slimmer thighs, a leaner back... but I also find I am not automatically turning to food for anxiety or boredom.

- Message for the LEKFIT community?
- What continuously impresses me most about LEKFIT is the community. It definitely surprised me how supported and uplifted I feel by these badass babes I only know in an online setting -- knowing that people are rooting for you and want you to feel good about yourself is a damn good feeling.
- What are your non-negotiables?
- Drinking water is my number 1 when it comes to feeling good. lots of shit is out of your control, but your hydration isn't one of them.
- Who + what inspires you most?
- Anyone willing to try and do better I find inspiring AF.

- Message for the LEKFIT community?
- Consistency is key. It may take time but the results are well worth it. also, reach out to the lovely people in our #lekfitcrew, they are incredibly supportive + in your corner.
- What are your non-negotiables?
- I MUST wash my face every morning + night, skincare is so important for feeling my best.
- Who + what inspires you most?
- I serve in the U.S. Army and the soldiers in my formation inspire me to be a better leader every day. my children also teach me grace + understanding, their innocence and joy remind me that life does not always need to be so serious.

- Message for the LEKFIT community?
- We got this, self-care is everything, let's support each other every day and continue to make ourselves a priority in this crazy thing called life.
- What are your non-negotiables?
- My non-negotiables are my workouts I get it in. I make myself a priority, it's completely necessary for me to feel my best self.
- Who + what inspires you most?
- My mom and my daughter, along with the LEKFIT community inspires me the most.
We would love to hear your journey! Email digital@lekfit.com